
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 86: Let's Talk about Protein Shakes

Seriously, join my conversation!  Here's an example of a blog-post where the blogger doesn't claim to be the "expert" in the topic he/she is blogging about.  I'm actually looking for advice/ideas here. 

I guess I'll start by talking about the food I ate today.  This morning was rushed (as all mornings are in this house).  I aim to be in the car by 7:00 but that seldom happens lately.  Randy and I are both so tired and we have to get 2 kids ready plus ourselves and all on very little sleep.  I was actually feeling really good about having us all packed in the car a few minutes before 7 today and then I looked at my lunchbag.  EmptyCrap.  So THAT'S why we were on time--I didn't make my lunch!  I usually try to do it the night before, but night's are getting hard, too, with so much to do and so much fatigue at the end of the day.  Last night I went to bed a little early feeling proud of myself and saying I would be able to get up early to make my lunch since I'm going to bed early.  Why is it that when I go to be "early" to get "more" sleep, Noah decides to wake up EVERY HOUR???  Literally.  So much for "more sleep."  I felt like I was being punished for making what I thought was a good decision!  Well, I left the house anyway and picked up Subway for lunch.  "Well that's not on your menu!" joked a friendly coworker as she eyed my plastic Subway bag.  I responded by saying that dinner was all that mattered.  Well Nicole, I failed at that, too! ;)

Randy and I had a hectic afternoon as we had a last minute appointment come up to which we both had to attend (and drag our 2 kids along--who were actually VERY well behaved)!  (Let me have my proud parent moment, please. :) )  And although I had thawed chicken and sauce in anticipation of chicken parmesan for dinner; while driving home at 5:15, the thought of cooking dinner and cleaning up after it was more than daunting.  We stopped at Wendy's.  While we were eating our chicken sandwiches I said, "What am I going to blog about tonight?"  But hey, no pressure, right?

Well, neither of those meals compare to my typical breakfast.  Did I mention how chaotic my mornings are?  Making sure Abby goes "pee", Noah nurses if he needs to, all socks stay on, no blood is shed during the Mommy/Abby "I want to do it!" battle, and oh yeah, getting that coffee firmly placed in my hand--these things and more add up to a whole lot of morning stress.  What's the one thing that doesn't affect whether or not we all get in the car on time?  Mommy's breakfast.  You see, the kids eat breakfast at daycare (my mom's daycare, where she feeds them exceptionally well!).  My kids have to be dressed.  I have to be dressed.  Noah needs fruit for his baby cereal.  I (need) my lunch and school supplies.  And everyone has to pee or have a clean diaper.  Those are the essentials.  My breakfast is not an "essential."  I mean, I know a good breakfast is "essential" but I hope you know what I'm saying here.  So my typical breakfast consists of 1 of these options (and here's why they're bad choices): 1) a scone or baked good that's leftover from something I made over the weekend (tons of carbs, not much else), 2) a piece of fruit (healthy, but not satisfying--taking care of a class of 1st graders sucks the life out of you!) 3) just coffee  (umm, is any explanation really needed as to why this is a bad choice?)  I buy breakfast cereal.  I'm used to eating breakfast cereal.  I just don't do it anymore because I don't get up in time because I go to bed too late because I have a lot to do and not much energy and end up wasting time sitting around or staring at the wall trying to remember what I have to do because I'm so tired all the time! :)  So now I wonder why I waste my money on breakfast cereal.  And I'm stressed out all over again.  Can you relate?  Please tell me I'm not crazy!

In theory, I'd love to have a hot breakfast more often.  I'd love to make eggs (protein-packed, good for you EGGS!).  I'd love the occasional bowl of oatmeal, or cold cereal with fruit.  A breakfast sandwich, my orange juice, fruit, and a vitamin.  I love all this stuff!  I love breakfast food and I love making it!  But that's not my reality right now and it's taken me a long time to realize that.  At the beginning of the school year I WAS getting up and making breakfasts.  I thought I could hold out all year long.  I've probably been doing "breakfast" my current way since October.  What a delayed reality check.  The foodie in me and cook says, "I don't believe any meal should be replaced with just a beverage."  But that snob has a hard time coming to terms with the real disheveled morning-me.  So I guess the 2 are finally colliding and the real me is winning out.  A protein shake would be the perfect thing to grab on the go on my way out the door.  Duh!

Randy and I like to exercise (okay, him more than me, but I still like it).  And with this nicer weather, it's getting easier to get those workouts in.  And it's much easier to leave the gym when there's still a little daylight out there.  So yeah, we've been exercising more.  But it's not enough.  I do have "baby" weight I want to lose, and probably a little more.  But it's not so easy when you're not terribly overweight to begin with.  Besides the breakfast thing, we basically live healthy lives.  I'm always sucked in by the articles or news reports about "fast and easy ways to lose weight" but I ALWAYS feel let down when I realize we already DO all those things.  Listen, there is no "fast and easy" way to be in good shape all the time.  It takes work and commitment.  I don't have the time to do major workouts 5-6 times a week.  I know what my bad habits are (breakfast is just one of them).  THOSE are the things I need to let go of.  I need more healthy snack options in the house for me, not just my kids.  I can already see myself falling victim to the mommy syndrome--the one where you take care of your kids and let yourself completely fall apart.  I refuse to let that happen.  So yeah, I'm exercising more, but keeping my mouth shut is the harder part.  But Randy and I are both trying to do it.  And although I don't feel like there are any other major lifestyle changes that need to be made over here, breakfast is such an important one.  But have you seen how expensive protein powders are???  Not only are we trying to makeover our bodies, but our budget, too.  And it's hard to do both!

So here's what I want from you, my readers.  Let me have it... all the recipes or ideas you've tried for homemade protein shakes for breakfast!  I already have a few ideas floating in my head: Dark-chocolate almond milk with peanut butter, oats, and non-fat Greek yogurt is one.  But I need more!  I know using Greek yogurt is a good option, and maybe some oats and seeds.  A tablespoon or so of peanut butter and a 1/4 cup of oats are good options too, I think.  But I don't exactly have time to do a lot of research and I'm not interested in the "programs" or powders at the moment, just good old homemade shakes for breakfast!  Hopefully then I can have a little more energy, a satisfying stomach, and can really start whipping this butt into shape.  (That way I can be prepared for baby #3!)  :)  Ok, that's a little ways away, I think, but still...  :)

Please leave a comment with your recipe, idea, or something you've tried along these lines.  Thank you!!!


  1. I like smoothies with frozen fruit, yogurt, half an avocado, and a tablespoon of flax seed or chia seed mixed in after. It just seems like cleaning the blender doesn't make it a tune saver.

    1. Yeah, those ingredients are pretty much along the lines of what I was thinking. It is actually a time-saver for me, although I know why it would seem otherwise. It's easy to 1) let a blender soak and clean it in the afternoon when I get home or 2) rely on my husband to clean it since he actually leaves the house after me and can make his own schedule most days (and is wonderful and would totally do that for me!). :)

  2. I should also probably point out that we have a nice grind 'n brew coffee maker that we use every morning and clean. A shake will probably replace our weekday coffee, so we'll just be swapping appliances to clean. :)

  3. I don't know all the ingredients my cousin uses, but I know she really likes using kale in her shakes and at least one of them has kale, chia seeds, or maybe flax seed, and banana. I've tried it but I'm not big into banana or the texture of seeds in a drink unfortunately.
