
Meet the Cook

About Me:
I'm a working mom of two precious children ages 2 and 8 months.  I currently teach first grade, and though I was sure that teaching was my calling when I graduated college, it didn't take more than the birth of my first child, Abigail, for me to yearn for something different.  Unfortunately, circumstances haven't enabled me to stay at home with my children YET, my husband and I are still working toward this goal.  Meanwhile, I work at being a humble daughter of Christ, and a loving wife and mother while still pursuing my interests in the arts: culinary and visual.  I do still enjoy the teaching part of being a teacher, and I also love cooking, baking, and creating new and tasty dishes for my family.  I also enjoy other art forms and am very project-oriented: at any given moment I may be working on a yarn project, sewing project, painting project, or photographic project--whatever captures my interest at that time.

About My Family:

My husband, Randy, is my best friend, number one supporter, and inspiration.  He pushes me to be better at everything I do, yet accepts me where I am.  It's so important to me that he stands behind what I do, which is one reason I started this blog--he encouraged me to!  We strive to continually shape our marriage around the Rock on which it's built, and I believe we're thriving because of that!  We love to play games together, watch movies, laugh, eat, or just hang out with each other.  Our marriage is not without its flaws, but there's never an argument that a good pot of spaghetti sauce, glass of wine, batch of cookies, and a lifted prayer can't fix! :)

My daughter, Abigail, is the light of my life!  I want her to be everything I am and everything I'm not.  She makes me laugh everyday and I love watching her discover new things (especially in the kitchen).  She's a ball of extraverted energy (like her mother AND father) that just goes non-stop.  I see big things in her future and only hope I am there to see it unfold...

Noah is the second most important man in my life.  I can't believe I was ever scared to have a baby boy!  It's so much easier to see the personality of your second-born earlier than you ever thought to look for it in your first child.  He may not be as nimble as his gymnast-sister, but he's still energetic and thrives off of being with people.  I love my chunky monkey!

1 comment:

  1. I feel privileged to know the cook in real life : ). Keep up the good blogging-work; I hope this project is 90% fun!
