
My Kitchen

Shelves above the stove make adding oil and spice easy during cooking!  (And they're pretty!)
I love bright colors in my kitchen!  I've always been inspired by Mexican/fiesta themed colors and dishes.  I have big ideas for my own home's kitchen someday, but while we're still renting, I just do what I can.  I believe a kitchen should be warm and bright.  For me, it's where I spend a lot of my time, so I want to enjoy what I'm looking at and the feel I get being in there.  We're lucky in that our apartment has a lot of open space and windows, so I can display dishes in the dining room, too, and my colorful concept still flows smoothly through both rooms.
My fiesta party platter hangs on display above my other colorful dishes.
 My Grocery List Must-Haves:
  • onions & garlic--I use these ALL THE TIME.  They are pretty much the base to so many dishes.  My garlic/onion basket can never be empty!
  • lemons/limes--great for sauces, adding to beverages, or making my own sour-mix!  Plus, they look real pretty on display!
  • Salad fixings--a salad is a great side to any meal.  We have salad often.  It's healthy, fresh, and also makes a great lunch the next day.
  • Mayonnaise/sour cream--I'm never out of these, either.  I use them in dressings, dips, and on meat to keep it juicy.  (REAL mayonnaise, NOT imitation!)
  • Carrots--no matter what I'm making this week, I always have carrots in the house.  If I need a last minute vegetable side, I go to the carrots.  We love carrot sticks for a snack, too!
  • Spaghetti--it sits on display by the stove.  Other pastas I plan for and buy accordingly, but spaghetti is ALWAYS in the house!
  • Dried herbs (basil, oregano, parsley, thyme, tarragon, bay leaves)
  • Basil & Parsley--As far as fresh herbs go, we have an herb garden that flourishes in the summer and I love it!  We grow rosemary, thyme, basil, parsley, and oregano.  In the winter months, Randy grows basil indoors for me.  Basil and parsley are the only 2 fresh herbs that I have 24/7 in the fridge.  They are great for garnishing, and since we eat a lot of Italian dishes, the basil goes quick!  The rest of the fresh herbs I buy as needed.
  • Spices--I literally have 3 different kinds of salt (iodized, kosher, sea salt).  I also never run out of pepper, chipotle chili powder, garlic powder, cayenne, red pepper flakes, and paprika.
  • Chocolate chips--You never know when the mood will strike to make cookies!
  • Arborio rice--Risotto is actually pretty easy to make, so as long as I have the rice on hand, I always have a side dish!
  • Chicken/Vegetable stock--Most of my recipes need SOME kind of stock or broth.  These are easy enough to make yourself, so I always have some in the freezer.
  • Parmesan Cheese--grated and a fresh wedge--gotta have them both.  We go through probably about a container a week, or every other.  Same with the wedge of cheese--we love cheese!
I love displaying dishes that are colorful enough to be a part of our decor!  The painting was done by Randy and I the year we were married.  We both love bright colors and it goes perfectly in the kind of kitchen we love.

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